
Branding agency

“Your brand is what other people say about you when you’re not in the room.” – Jeff Bezos

Our experienced brand strategists can help you develop meaningful brand concept and identity.

With the support of our creative studio and CRO specialists we can also help you with the implementation, the management and the optimisation of your brand image.

For corporate, product or personal branding projects you can rely on RealCRO to help you with your brand name selection, brand message & positioning and/or brand guidelines development.

brand strategy

Different types of branding strategies can help you build your brand equity and add value to your company.

Our user-centered approach to brand strategy coupled with our cross-channel marketing capabilities, help us unleash your brand’s potential.

Let us help you develop solid foundations for your brand.

Brand identity

A brand identity is a set of tools and elements used to develop your customers’ brand perception also called brand image.

While your brand concept represents the first thing your customers think of your brand, your brand image consists of memories of associations and interactions they had with your brand.

An effective brand strategy consists of creating a name, symbol or design that identifies and differentiates a product or service from others.

Let us help you unveil the competitive edge of your company by defining and sharing your brand DNA.

retail branding

Retail branding is the combination of sensorial elements that define your customer experience.

We help brands who care for their customers optimize their brand performance, customer retention and word-of-mouth. To enhance your on-ground customer journey we use inviting scents, sounds, displays & efficient visual merchandising techniques.

We produce & design memorable audio experiences & subtle olfactive marketing which combined with elegant storytelling help brands create reciprocal opportunities with their customers.

Brand positioning

What place does your brand occupy in your customer’s mind?

When it comes to branding we believe that creativity, authenticity and transparency are key to developing & increasing your brand desirability.

Trust is what brands need to build, maintain and develop their reputation.

Let us help you with your brand strategy by creating unique product, brand and company impressions that will help your customers recognise and emotionally connect with your brand.

brand guidelines

Consistency is key when it comes to branding.

Global brands need to make sure that both internal and external teams use their brand elements, the right way, at the right place and at the right time.

We can help you create professional standard brand guidelines and provide information, direction and tools for using your brand name, logo, font, key visuals on offline-online marketing collaterals.

Employer/employee Branding

Employees are now looking to join purpose-driven companies & teams.

In order to appeal to the right candidates, organizations need to understand the value of creating strong company cultures and meaningful employer brands.

For us employer branding is not just “the process of promoting a company as the employer of choice to desired candidates”.

It also helping a company become the “employer of choice” for their employees.

Not only do we support companies who care for their employees by creating & sharing attractive and meaningful employer branding content.

We also go as far as designing & organizing fun, ergonomic, safe and healthy workplaces for them.

Do you care for your employer image?

Let us improve your employees’s experience and create authentic brand assets they will feel proud sharing.

destination marketing

You are looking to promote your destination and attract business travellers, tourists, investors, students or skilled labor force?

At RealCRO we bring global perspective and local knowledge together.

Thanks to our global partners and our amazing team composed of experienced professionals from around the world we can support your project in different languages and on five continents.

Let us know when we can help you promote your town, city, region, country and increase your number of visitors.